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spring bucket list
Spring is my favourite season. I simply adore the gentle feeling of rays of sunshine on your skin, hearing the birds chippering in the morning and all those pretty flowers. This makes me so happy.
Now it’s already march and this is my way to say “welcome spring”, I’ve missed you so much.
Hope you enjoy these spring-pictures I took a year ago in a botanical garden in Berlin. And just in case you don’t feel the spring vibes yet – here is a short bucket list. Hope there are some activities you can try and enjoy during the next weeks.
1. enjoy the moonlight, take a walk
Let’s be honest, there is nothing as beautiful and perfect as the moon. And you can take a walk at night and enjoy the moonlight everyday (except on new moon ). But I love it the most during the spring season. It’s warm enough to spend the time outside and you can combine it with relishing a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Keep in mind, there are a few amazing full moons to come.
Take the people you love out for a walk, grap a blanket, a good wine or juice and maybe do a picnic.
2. picnic and discover your city
I love a good picnic. You sit outside in nature and eat. How can there be something better than this?!
Combine it and discover your city. Pretend to be a tourist and explore your city. Visit pretty parks and the cozy hotspots.
Ok, I lived in Cologne (a big city) before I moved to the Eifel, now I live next to forests, wooded hills and villages. The perfect location for a good picnic. I plan some picnics on this lovely hill and definetly take some trips to the fairytale-like forests, with some good company or an even better book.
3. do sports (outside)
In germany we say “Frühjahrsmüdigkeit”; this is the tiredness you feel after winter. When everything blooms and grows but you feel kinda slow and tired. The best thing against it are you running shoes.
Put them on and do sports…outside.
I recommend to do it as soon as possible, this way your brain isn’t able to come up with good excuses to not leave the warm bed (yet).
And you will feel better afterwards. I promise!
4. the first ice cream
Well, I already had my first ice cream a few weeks ago. BUT there are still many ice cream parlors I want to visit and try their different flavours. Maybe you can do the same. Try every flavour in your favorite ice cream parlor till the end of summer. Maybe you fall in love with a totally new taste.
AND this is a good motivation for your next morning-run.
5. spring cleaning
Dare you to keep on scrolling!
Don’t skip this one. It’s much needed.
Use the spring-energy and clean your home. I plan a complete renovation! And when you got rid of all the things you don’t need, here is my next tip: Visit your local flea markets.
6. dance into may
This is a typical german tradition. We dance into may (31.4 – 1.5.) or you can put a decorated birch tree infront of a girl’s door you love.
To be honest, I never danced into may OR got a decorated birch tree. But I am pretty sure to do it this year. Dance into may AND get a birch tree. I put a tree for myself infront of my door if needed.
7. spring = flowers
I love flowers. Buy yourself beautiful ones or plant some in your garden or on your sill. Pick up some wildflowers on a walk (do the walk barefoot, this is the best feeling ever).
And don’t forget the obligatory flowercrown.
8. go camping
Go campin. Well a good bonfire and spending a night outside is on my summer bucket list, too. But I missed it last year, so I am thrilled to do it as soon as possible.
Just in case you don’t have time for that (well that is no valid excuse), you can always grill in your garden or camp on your balcony. I did it so many times last year and it was one of the best experiences.
You can eat snacks and watch movies AND use your own bathroom.
9. bake sweet things
I love baking. I know, baking sweet things is more a christmas-activity. BUT I never have the time to do it during the christmas time. It’s always the most stressful time of the year and that’s way I always get into a post-christmasy-baking-mood in spring.
Maybe I should try some cute cupcakes?
10. find the perfect scent
When I think about spring I tend to think about sweet scents.
Flowerfields, freshly mowed gras, the terra’s smell after rain. This is the best time to find your perfect scent.
I love “Alien” by Mugler. You can find it in the Douglas-Shop. Just take a look, maybe you get some other spring-items, too.
Dou you have a spring bucket list?
What are your favourite spring activities?
Schöner Post! Deine Bucket List gefällt mir sehr, einige Punkte möchte ich definitiv auch dieses Jahr erledigen! Deine Bilder sind sehr schön! Du hast einen neuen Leser
Schau gerne bei mir vorbei wenn du magst
Deine Liste ist lang…. tolle Fotos :). Hm ich hab keine Liste, ahhh ich freue mich mal wieder im Sonnenschein am Rhein beim Speicher 7 zu sitzen und viel Geld für Drinks auszugeben. Jup das wär klasse
Liebe Grüße Tina
Liebe Amely,
auch wenn du vom Frühling schreibst, muss ich bei deinen Bildern an den Sommernachtstraum denken. Da könntest du glatt mitspielen. Wenn es wärmer wird, werde ich garantiert somanches aus deiner Liste auch wieder tun, für heuer haben wir uns aber auch noch ein paar größere Gartenarbeiten vorgenommen, die stehen ganz dick und fett auf unserer Liste. Keine Ahnung, wie lange wir damit brauchen… Süßkram backen werde ich aber wohl nicht, das findet bei mir eher im Winter statt ;-))
Hab ein schönes Wochenende! Und viel Erfolg beim Renovieren und Entrümpeln…
Herzlichst, die Traude
cool photos
Wow! Such a cool look!
Carina |
Liebe Amelie,
da hast du dir aber sehr viel vorgenommen! Ich wäre schon glücklich damit, wenn es endlich wieder etwas wärmer und sonniger wird. Und dann gaaaanz gechillt dem Sommer entgegenzusehen.
Dein Outfit gefällt mir sehr. Die Bluse ist sehr gewagt, aber wunderschön. Du kannst das locker tragen! Und mit dem Blumenkranz siehst du ein bisschen so aus wie eine zarte Elfe.
Herzliche Grüße
Have a lovely weekend

Lovely look! THE SHIRT is amazing
Rêtro Vintage Maggie | Facebook | Instagram
Die Bucket List gefällt mir richtig gut und die Bilder sind traumhaft schön geworden :-).
Liebe Grüße,
Du siehst einfach nur bezaubernd aus Amely.
Als Blumenmädchen gefällst du mir besonders gut. Und die Bucketlist ist wirklich toll.
Ich freue mich schon so sehr auf den Frühling.
Danke dir für die lieben Worte Miriam.
Yoy look gorgeous in this styling my dear, I love your skirt
I’m a big fan of Alien scent too 
A brilliant stylization. You look gorgeous.
Have a nice day.
Wow der Look ist ein absoluter Hingucker, so wundervolle Farben !
Liebe Grüße,
Love that skirt! So pretty
I love pleated skirts so much!
have a great week,
I’m ready for spring too! Picnics and ice cream, here I come.
Your pics are boho botanical beautiful! That pagoda/gazebo is amazing, and the sunflower crown really picks up the gold in your skirt.
I love the outfit is very chic. The skirt is great
What a lovely spring outfit and such a nice location for photos
Picnics are awesome!
Hope you are having a great week! My mum and I both have the day off today so we are going to have fun and go shopping
Away From The Blue