In a bath of roses | basic spa

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In a bath of roses | basic spa

Bon Jovi already sang about the amazing and heavenly bath of roses. Or did he say “bed”? Who cares.
The important thing is the message. The song is a tribute to a pretty woman. This is and always will be my intension when I take a bath. I don’t just wash myself, I do even more than relax. Every bath is a tribute to myself, to the beautiful woman I am.
And I take all the time that’s needed to take care of her. I treat myself.
Of course, the rose leafs look amazing, but they aren’t the secret ingredient of beauty. It’s the Siriderma’s basic bath.
I already wrote about this beauty brand and skincare products some time ago. You can reread it here.Why should you use basic skincare?

The Siriderma products are ideal for everybody and every skin type.
Especially for people with sensitive skin and allergies.
The idea behind those products is, to equilibrate your skin’s acid-bases-balance and to counteract an acidosis.
Here are a few things, that can lead to acidosis:
* stress and/or mental discord
* excessive physical effort
* imbalanced nurtur
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You can neutralise excessive acids that are on your skin with this basic bath. Because they can lead to hypersensitivity, itching and/or red palms.Just keep in mind, that this beautyproduct helps you a lot and easy to apply and use at the same time. You need 3 tablespoons for a full bath and best you spend 60 minutes bathing.
You can add warm water time after time, grab a good book or enjoy your favorite podcast. Spend your time useful – treat yourself!
Taking care of yourself should be on the top of your bucket list.Just mind, that the water temperature doesn’t cross the 37°C mark (water that’s too hot can lead to circulation problems) and rub your skin every 10 minuts softly with a washung mitt.

basic footbath:
An other good idea is a basic footbath. How about one while watching your favorute netflix show or in your homeoffice while answering mails?
All you need is warm water and 1-2 teaspoons of your basic bath product.
Keep your feet in the footbath for 30-60 minutes.

Just a reminer, regular basic footbath can help you, when you have sweaty or smelly feet. Keep in mind, that your feet are some kind of assistant-kidney.
Just try it.

eye comrpess:
It’s spring time, MY favorite time of the year. But those who suffer from allergies propably hate this season. But the basic bath product can help you calm and detumesce your eyes.
All you need is the basic bath product and a cold eye cream.

Just wash your face, clean it and apply facial skincare. Put one pinch basic bath product in a small bowl, filled with warm water.
Use one cotton pad for each eye and plunge them in the water. Squash the cotton pads and  put them on your closed eye for round about 10 minutes.
And now relax.

Furthermore you can do your own toner with this product. Just put one pinch of it in a small bowl filled with warm water, plunge a cotton pad in the water and gently rub your face with that moist pad.
Or you can use it a peeling. Just rub your face softly with the basic bath product and wash it of afterwards.

*thank you Siriderma for these amazing products.
siriderma, amelyrose, amely rose, badewanne, badewannen shooting, bathtube, bath, bathtub, basische pflege, kosmetik, pflege, beauty, basisches badekonzentrat, basisches bad, badekonzentrat, produkttester, produkttesterin, review, badewanne, schaumbad, blume, rose, bed of roses, bath of roses, romantik, romantisches bad, sexy, hautpflege, pflegeprodukte, kosmetikprodukte, hautpflege, amely-rose, amely_rose, fusbad, fusbad, rosenbad, produktfotos, entspannung, entspannungsbad,

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14 thoughts on “In a bath of roses | basic spa

  1. Wow, erstmal Kompliment für die tollen Bilder.

    Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es 60 Minuten in der Badewanne aushalten würde. Dafür bin ich viel zu zappelig. Die Produkte klingen aber vielversprechend.

    Liebe Grüße Sabine

  2. I have never tried this brand and its products but it seems really great. I am really sorry now for renouncing at my bathtub. Seeing you on these photos made me really wish having a warm bath.
    P.S.: the photos are really awesome, you look wonderful!

  3. Super, das basische Badekonzentrat klingt sehr gut! Ich mache demnächst wieder Entgiftungswoche. Das heißt fasten und Glutathion von einnehmen, um meinen Körper bei der Entgiftung zu unterstützen. Werde das basische Badekonzentrat auch gleich bestellen und dann auch ein paar mal darin baden. Passt super zu meiner Woche! 🙂

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