Here we are again, it’s christmas time | beauty advent calender

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Here we are again, it’s christmas time – and I want to show you my favorite advent calenders. Yes, christmas is just around the corner and I was as shocked as you are right now, reading this fact. BUT I invented a new technique.
Well, the fact that christmas is just around the corner still stresses me out – but I try to pick something and make it less stressful. So I hopefully end up one day without all the hecticness and just enjoy the cold, cheerful days. I want to start this year and test my technique with advents calenders.
And don’t even try to say, that grown up men and women don’t need advent calenders – we don’t need this kind of negativity! You can’t say NO to cute gifts for 24 days in a row.
And the best thing, this technique will work for you too.
Because I found 4 amazing calenders you will love. I promise this. Well, at least I love ALL OF THEM.
I already tested Dobner Kosmetik `s beauty calenders last year. You can take a look and see what beautyitems were inside last year and read more about the brand HERE.

There is beauty everywhere
Today I want to show you 4 amazing advent calenders. 3 are filled with amazing beauty- and skincare products, the 4th on eis filled with cool nail polishes.

Let’s start with my favorite one. I love the design, the colors (rose and this metallic-gold) go so well together and the cute doodles are amazing (you can find some festive ones and somce beauty items).
You get 24 high quality products. And let’s be honest – I tested these calenders for a few years now and I used most of the products during my daily beauty routine. Just to prevent you from spoilers – here are my 2 favorite gifts you get in this calender.
The liquid lipsticks are amazing. I wear the red one in these pictures and I adore, how strong and festive the color is. You get 2 really cool shades (this red one and a bright pink one).
Furthermore I fell in love with the contour-Stick. I always wanted to try these but never found a good one. Cool, because now I have a great one!

Btw. All beautyitems together are worth 75 Euro, but you pay less than 30 for the advent calender. This is so amazing.

You get the advent calender HERE.
amelyrose, amely rose, fashionblogger, beautyblogger, weihnachten, xmas, christmas, adventskalender, kalender für frauen, amelyrose, amely rose, fashionblogger, beautyblogger, weihnachten, xmas, christmas, adventskalender, kalender für frauen,YOUSTAR | PINK FLAMINGO X-MAS
How cute ist this advent calender? The 3 flamingos, wearing festive accessories, are so lovely standing between all those christmas presents.
This calender also has some amazing beauty products.
I like best, that you always get the normal-size of those products. Wow! I really struggled picking my favorite items but here are the 2 things I like best. The cute flamingo make up brushes are so sweet (you can see one of them in the picture) and the huge eyeshadow pallet is gorgeous. You get so many different nude-shades and a nice mix of shimmering and matt tones.
There is something for every occasion.
The total worth of the products is 75 Euro and again you pay less than 30 Euro fort he calender.

You get the flamingo calender HERE.
amelyrose, amely-rose, weihnachten, xmas, christmas, fashionblog, beautyblog, adventskalender, kalender für frauen, amelyrose, amely-rose, weihnachten, xmas, christmas, fashionblog, beautyblog, adventskalender, kalender für frauen,YOUSTAR | HOLOGRAPHIC X-MAS
Ok, let’s be honest. I am addicted to everything that’s holographic. And that’s why I love this calender. The design (no matter if the calender ort he products) is so cool and modern. AMAZING! And the best thing, you get some really fancy holo-beauty products.
For example a super cool hologrphic and shimmering lip gloss (and I will probably never stop wearing this one) ort he „unicorn“ powder.
But there are of course also some highquality „normal“ products, you can use for your daily make up, such as the BB-Cream ort he lip sleep mask – definetly need to try this one out as soon as possible.

There are 24 cool beauty gifts and I love every single one.

You get the holographic calender HERE.

*thank you Dobner-Kosmetik for his amazing cooperation.
amely rose, amely_rose, weihnachten, xmas, x-mas, christmas, adventskalender, adventskalender für sie, amely rose, amely-rose, amely_rose, weihnachten, xmas, x-mas, christmas, adventskalender, adventskalender für frauen, amely rose, amely_rose, weihnachten, xmas, x-mas, christmas, adventskalender, adventskalender für sie,

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26 thoughts on “Here we are again, it’s christmas time | beauty advent calender

  1. Am tollsten war es, einmal im Leben alle Türchen auf einmal öffnen zu dürfen, oder?

    Ich suche mir lieber ein paar einzelne Sachen selbst aus, aber für Beautyliebhaber ist so ein Kalender vermutlich großartig. Danke fürs Vorstellen!

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