Advent calendar for women | Cosmetics behind every flap

Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetikThis post contains advertisment
Advent calendar for women
It’s already november which means this years I’m late with my christmas preparations. I mean every supermarket is full of christmas cookies since september.
But to comfort you I’ll show you something especially nice today: my favorite advent calendars.
Since I moved out from my parent’s home 1,5 years ago I did not only realize there are no christmas elfs who bake cookies for days, decorate your home like it was nothing and arrange a christmas tree I also sadly realized that nobody is going to buy me an advent calendar.
How should one get excited for christmas without it?

To prevent your christmas from getting ruined, too I’ll show you my two favorite calendars today.
he highlight – behind every flap you’ll find wonderful cosmetic products.
I have to admit I bought the same last year and have been sparing with the products until I’d get new ones flap by flap, because they are high-quality and modern products of which every single one moved into my bathroom cabinet.

Here’s something for nailpolish lovers and cosmetics-queens.
Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetikCosmetics behind every flap
You can get these awesome calendars from Dobner-cosmetics, your online partner for decorative cosmetic products.
The mix of high-quality products and mordern trends convinced me completely, because they absolutly can keep up with international brands.
In short: you get the best quality with attractive prices.

Justt take a look at the shop because you’ll find everything a beauty-heart is after. From unicorn-rainbow make-up rushes to beautiful colors for your lips. If you have problems in making decisions regarding their huge assortment I can recommend the advent calendars to you.
You’ll get a selection of products and will be surprised every day.

Youstar | colourful X-mas
The calendar for nail lovers. You’re never able to decide which color you want to wear on your nails? Doesn’t matter if it’s the actual “neutral grey” trend, colors to fit your outfit, pearl polish, or maybe metallic?
Don’t worry you won’t go without classical red tones and top coat.
Sounds good to you? Well, then the Youstar | colorful X-mas calendar seems to be the right choice for you.
You also do your conscience a favor because the polishes aren’t tested on animals.
They’re super easy to apply, long-lasting and ultra shiny.

You can find the calendar HERE.
Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik. Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik.Youstar | Beautiful X-mas
My personal winter dream, because the calendar contains 24 wonderful make-up products.
There’s everything from items you need because they are absolutely trendy or wonderful basics, to products you always wanted to try but never had the guts to buy actually buy them.
Aandd let me tell you something. he calendar costs less then 30 euro but the products inside are worth more then 65 euro in total! So you save money without refraining from choosing from a big varity of top quality products.
Doesn’t matter if it’s for yourself or if you want to give it to your loved one(s), the extraordinary calendar is the perfect gift for every woman.

Both calendars also are beautiful to look at and so you get a wonerful advent calendar and also some christmas decoration for your home all in one.
A new bbeauty surprie every day.
From exclusive mascaras to awesome highlighter.
And these products are also cruetly free and not tested on any animal.

You can find it HERE.

Gifft yourself or your loved one(s) with this Extraordinary calendar and spread excitement for christmas. I’m totally in love and sure you’ll be convinced by these top quality products too.

*Thanks to Dobner for these awesome products.
Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik. Amely Rose, german influencer und deutscher fashionblog zeigt die dobner adventskalender gefüllt mit kosmetik.

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22 thoughts on “Advent calendar for women | Cosmetics behind every flap

  1. Hach ja… so ganz bereit für die Vorweihnachtszeit bin ich gefühlt ja noch nicht… irgendwie bin ich momentan noch ein bisschen überfordert. Gerade beim Thema Adventskalender. Der für meine Mama muss nämlich noch gefüllt werden. 😉

    Dankeschön für deine lieben Worte zu meinem Post über Schottland!
    Oh ja, mit frittiertem kann ich auch nur eingeschränkt was anfangen… 😉
    Aber gerade die raue Natur fasziniert mich auch total! Seit Island sowieso!

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