My Natural Cosmetic Beautyproducts | this gets under the skin

Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenThis blogpost contains advertisement.

About a year ago, I made some life changes and wanted to get everything on the right track. As a 25-year old I won’t get any younger, right? And whilst my same-aged blogger colleagues argue that one cannot simply go ahead and devour chocolate bar after chocolate bar without it going straight to the hips – like they did with sweet 16 – I found a strategy that works for me. I only snack in the dark. That way the calories can’t find me!

But actually, even though I struggle with regular work outs, I keep a strict eye on my cosmetic and my diet. It all started when I stopped taking the pill and tried to cleanse myself from the inside out. At least that’s what I thought, until I (probably out of boredom) started to check the ingredients of my cosmetic products. I meticulously take care of exposing my body to as little pollution as possible, but I never realized how much of it ends up on my face twice a day. That’s a no go when you’re trying to achieve a healthy life style. So here is my Natural Cosmetic Love (with a quite fitting name) For The Good Life!

Gets under the skin
Who stops taking the pill might notice that at some point, the body finds its own rhythm. And who looks closely will realize that the body is orientated upon the cycle of the moon. Once I realized this, I’m trying to align myself in as many ways as possible to it. When do I cut my hair, when do I try to lose weight…? Great that there’s a cosmetic line that works with the natural cycle and offers ideal support for your skin!

The products from For The Good Life support, nourish and protect your skin individually with precious substances from natural cosmetics. It focuses on your wellbeing, which is reflected in your skin and your beauty. Look and feel of your skin combined in a unique way.

The skin is our largest organ and is known as a mirror of our soul. Shouldn’t it get the most attention then? I recommend this line to take care of your skin and protect it ideally. It’s a brand with personality and for the first time, I had the impression of being recognized as a customer and getting everything fitted for only myself. Concentrating on my individual skin problems. Behind this natural cosmetic brand is the professional beautician Susanne Kaußen, who works as a fulltime natural beautician and is well educated in the field. She shares her longtime experience and knowledge with out and guarantees high quality products with amazing effects that way. And if that wasn’t enough, she’s working with kinesiology to find the root of the skin problem.

For the potential beauticians reading this! It’s a very dear project of Susanne to teach natural beauticians. Perhaps this could be interesting.

A brand by women for women!
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenMy highlight:
In order to guarantee the ideal care it’s optimal to have Susanne take a look at your skin in person. If that’s impossible, like in my case, because I’m living too far away, the right products can be measured carefully. That way you’ll have a momentary picture of your skin profile and can find the fitting products for it.

Für das gute Leben
This brand is a 100% pure natural cosmetic line, without any chemicals. It also doesn’t contain any artificial color, scent or preservatives. Plus everything is cruelty free.

And whilst other cosmetic lines are being criticized for mikroplastics, For The Good Life refines its products with gold leaf. But what I like best is that the production of the skin care lines are aligned to the moon cycle, for example using only pure full moon spring water.
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenSANFTMUT – Cleansing Milk
For the first time I’m using two cleansing products at the same time and I noticed immediately that the face gel is way too intense and should only be used with harsh acne or extremely oily skin alone. I have to admit, the result is impressive and the feeling is amazing after the very first use.

Let’s start with the cleansing milk. It’s very gentle, calming and a nourishing cleaning option. You get a 200ml bottle which will last you for a long time. It’s mild and gets deep in your pores, regenerates, binds moisture and leaves you relaxed. This is guaranteed by the perfect combination of Vitamin E, almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil and very special – the milk refined with 22 karat gold leaf!

Apply the milk to your face and neck and massage it in. Add a drop of the washing gel and massage it as well. Remove both with water or a wet cloth.

Get it HERE.
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenREINHEIT – Cleaning
Like I said before, the gel is too intense for most cases. This comes from the surfactants. Even though it uses coconut surfactants that are very mild, you should consider using both products. The gel concentrate for face and body comes in a handy 200ml bottle.

I really like the fresh scent of lemongrass. It makes a great mood, especially in winter. Plus essential oils like orange and lemongrass give a clear and beautiful complexion. The skin is cleansed gently and carefully deep in the pores.

The gel lasts a long time. You only need a pea size drop, which you can foam up in your hands with a little bit of water. Don’t forget to rinse your face with slightly warm water.

Get the gel HERE.
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenLEBENSFLUSS – Face Cleanser
Let’s continue with a clearing and reviving face cleanser. This all day helper fits perfect in your skin care routine, or just in between, because it locks in moisture and increases the smoothness of the skin. Plus, “Lebensfluss” regulates the pH-value and neutralizes chalk rests in the water. It comes in a 120ml bottle and is produced in a classic, therapeutic way and ideally prepares your skin for every following skin care product.

Spray the beautiful flowery water onto your skin and remove with a cotton pad. Add a small mist onto your skin again and let it sink in before using any other product.

Get the water HERE.

KRAFT – Hyaluronan Energy Gel
Apply this gel on your skin when it’s still damp from the Face Water. It increases the overall moisture and smoothens the skin visibly. Wrinkles disappear and cell renewal is motivated. This is guaranteed by the high-grade ingredients like hyaluronan acid that’s 100% plant based, Vitamin B12, minerals and antioxidants.

Application: Simply massage it in and you’re done! It’s also nice as an eye treatment.

Get the Energy Gel HERE.
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenHARMONIE – Sandelholz Active Balm
This balm clears impure and stressed skin. Ideal for me and I’m pretty sure everyone else that needs a little bit of wellness with Christmas around. The liposomes, Q10 and Vitamin E enable the serum to settle into every layer of your skin. It also binds moisture, refines the pores and increases the natural glow of the skin.

Application: You only need a few drops and only have to massage it gently into the skin. Then you can continue with your regular skin lotion.

Get the Active Balm HERE.
Amely Rose Naturkosmetik Beauty Produkte Guide Gesichtspflege Fuer das Gute LebenERKENNTNIS – Eye Treatment
Last but not least, here comes “Erkenntnis” – a smoothing and de-puffing eye treatment that’s been refined with 22 karat gold leaf. It stimulates the formation of collagen and makes your eye look fresh and bright. It has a cooling effect and calms the entire area. A perfect finish!

Application: After cleaning your face, massage the eye treatment from the outside in, gently. Try massaging it in behind your ears too, that’s amazing! The ingredient myrthe from the Andes, stimulates the lymph flow, reducing swelling of the eyes.

It also absorbs right into the skin, so if you’re in a rush, you won’t need to worry about applying make up right after!

Get the Eye Treatment HERE.

ENERGIE– Q10 Lotion
This lotion is the ideal protection from early skin aging, guaranteed by pure natural liposomes from soybeans. This finishing touch to your skin care routine is regenerating, reviving and refreshing. You can get it in a handy 30ml bottle, so you can take it anywhere you’d like. No more excuses!

Application: Massage it in and you’re done already! Your face is now perfectly taken care of and it’s as protected as it can be!

Get the Lotion HERE.

You can use all the product twice a day too, if you’d like. Perfect for morning and evening routine. I am head over heels for them – not only the products but also the philosophy and people behind it.

Highly recommend!

*thank you for the lovely cooperation ‘für das gute Leben’

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32 thoughts on “My Natural Cosmetic Beautyproducts | this gets under the skin

  1. Liebe Amely,

    die Produkte klingen echt interessant und das Design gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Ist mal was anderes. 🙂 Die Marke kannte ich allerdings noch nicht. Vielleicht probiere ich sie auch mal aus.

    Liebe Grüße,

  2. Hallo!
    Schön, dass ich Deinen bunten, interessanten Blog entdeckt habe, wenn ich es auch lustig finde, meine Kosmetik ,,auspendeln ” zu lassen! Jedenfalls hast Du die Kosmetik sehr gut beschrieben und sicher lohnt es sich, sie einmal auszuprobieren! Danke Dir dafür! Auch die Bilder sind klasse!
    Alles Liebe

  3. Die Pflege der Haut ist schon etwas Besonderes. Ich habe in meinem Leben auch schon sehr viel ausprobiert und bin dann ganz schnell eines Besseren belehrt worden. Leider vertrage ich so gut wie nichts und lasse jetzt die Finger von zu viel Pflege.
    Hab lieben Dank für die Vorstellung, ich kannte diese Produkte bis jetzt noch nicht.

    Liebe Grüße

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